Notes From Our 1st Meeting


What I write in my Dream Book may or may not be added to my Goals List or my Bucket List. My dream book is more personal, sometimes it even Material (something I want to own, i.e. handbag, shoes). This is the place where my ideas are formed.

Whether it’s about something I want to wear, which leads me to either buying it in a store, having it made or making it myself…which leads to one of my bucket list items. Learning how to Sew.

Or it could be someplace I want to go. Which leads to a bucket list item.

I may think about something I want to eat/drink. Which led me to putting a beverage company in my Action Plan.

My Dream Book is where I doodle and scribble and get all 16 years old again.


Get out of debt.

Plan sufficiently for the boys financial future; college, business start-ups, etc.

Starting a Beverage company.


Your Action Plan is a detailed account of how you plan to turn your dreams into reality i.e., a business plan for the Beverage Company and a financial plan for becoming debt free.


Why create a bucket list?

  • Bucket lists keep you present
    • You are aware of your time. Life is short and each day becomes valuable to you.
    • It helps to prioritize.
    • You become more child-like: hopeful and curious about life.
  • Helps you shake up your life
  • Bucket lists are fun!


Dreamstorm/Be inspired – This is a combination of ‘day dreaming’ and ‘brainstorming’. Sit down and just jot down everything that comes to mind. Be child-like. No judgment. A new hobby, activity, relationship, career, finances, etc. Don’t be afraid to write down simple, quickly attainable items (trying Ethiopian/Indian food) Include something that you can do today (Getting a library card. Test Driving your dream car). Impossible? Improbable? Head over to Pinterest and search bucket list. Talk to your friends. Below are just a few ideas.

  1. Spend a month in Europe
  2. Take my family to Africa
  3. Cruise Europe in a luxury yacht
  4. Finish a Marathon
  5. Finish editing my book
  6. Publish a book
  7. Learn French
  8. Find a pen pal. Purchase beautiful stationary (wax seals, the whole nine), and write to them on a regular basis.
  9. Learn how to play the guitar
  10. Try Ethiopian food
  11. Learn how to belly dance


Set time goals – Next Week, This Summer, In Three months, Next Year


Share your list – With your Ife Circle sisters, or your spouse, your friends, or children. And make lists with them too. You and your spouse should have a list, your family too. And let’s not forget your girlfriends as well.


Buddy up – Find a bucket list buddy or someone who will join you on a particular item


Celebrate Completion


Your bucket list will grow or change

****Some IMPORTANT things to know.****

  1. This should be fun, not stressful. If it becomes stressful re-think your list. Enjoy the journey.
  2. Make it meaningful.
  3. Make sure your goals are consistent with who you are.
  4. This should encourage others.
  5. If you are married or in a relationship, encourage your partner/spouse to have their own list and make sure you create a Couple’s Bucket List.
  6. If you have children, encourage them to write their own bucket list and make sure you have a Family Bucket List.

Check out these sites for ideas or inspiration: